What's best for you? Maybe a shared or daily nanny is a better option

When you decide that having a nanny is ideal for you, it’s vital choose the type of nanny you need based upon the assistance you feel is required. Live-in nannies are available to look after your children almost all the time, and is probably the most preconceived notion of a nanny. Other alternatives can include daily nannies, or a shared nanny.

If you have a limited budget and only require a nanny on a limited basis, a shared nanny may be the best option. It might also work for the nanny, too, as it allows them to have plenty of working hours without being overly tied to one particular family.

To avoid frustration, pinpoint the reason behind “why” you are looking for a shared or daily nanny. This is a stressful time for parents when you’re raising children and simultaneously growing a career. Are you scheduling assistance with the kids around a work schedule? When are you the most productive? Will a helper during this particular time – early mornings, mid-mornings, or afternoon – give you the additional focus you need.

In the event that you are homeschooling older children, with younger one’s under foot, this could be a great time to have the nanny accessible. Consider when you are most stressed. That is the perfect time for quality help. Nannies come with a wealth of information and will have experience and/or have qualifications that enable them to provide excellent care for your child.

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